Our team regularly speaks at events in the UK
and Internationally and is available for:

 - Conference and Event Keynote Speeches

- Industry Panels and Roundtables

- Thought Leadership Discussions

- Radio and Magazine Interviews

- Judging Awards

Some of the events we've spoken at recently include:

- Keynote Speaker at Retail Futures: “The Future of Retail”
- Keynote Speaker at the Allegra Coffee Symposium in Rome
- Keynote Speaker at the Retail Week International Expansion Conference
- Keynote Speaker at the International Retail Franchising Summit
- Keynote Speaker at The Retail Bulletin International Expansion Conference
- Keynote Speaker at Mapic's Build the Shape of Retail Conference
- Roundtable discussion: The Future of Shopping Centres
- Roundtable discussion: What’s the Role of Retail in a Destination? at ICSC European Conference; Destination Retail
- Talk Radio: Retail Launch
- The Power of Networking at 100% Design
- Judge for The Best Group Marketing Campaign category at the Catey's Awards
- Host and Chair of "The Investment Panel" at Nucleus Expo